Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Opening Your Spiritual Gifts (Day 10)

Another indicator of what your spiritual gifts may be is what gives you the greatest sense of fulfillment in the ministries of the Church.

Bob was a man with a deep commitment to both Christ and the Church. But no ministry he tried really clicked for him. He loved the Bible and other people, but his stint as a Bible study leader was a disaster. Equally failed were his efforts as youth group sponsor, Sunday School superintendent, and director of evangelism. “Lord, I want to serve in Your Church,” he prayed. “But what are my gifts?”

Shortly thereafter, Bob’s pastor asked him if he would consider becoming part of the Stephen Ministry at their church. Congregations involved in Stephen Ministry have a corps of trained lay people who oversee Christian care groups. Every member is assigned to one of these groups and every group is overseen by a trained leader.

One night, Bob got a call from Joe, a member of his care group. Joe’s wife, Marcia, had just died unexpectedly at their home. Joe was in shock and needed help. Bob hurried to Joe’s house and began helping Joe with the arrangements. While waiting for the undertaker to arrive, Bob stood out on Joe’s front porch and gazing into the stars, began to weep. “I was sad about Marcia, for sure,” he said. “But the main reason that tears came to my eyes is that finally, I was sure I had found a ministry that used my spiritual gifts.”

I knew Bob and it’s true that he had the spiritual gifts of compassion, service, and mercy, all of which came in handy in his role as a Stephen Ministry leader. (Others might use differing gifts to be faithful Stephen Ministers, but the match was very clear with Bob.)

Earlier, we mentioned something Frederick Buechner said: “The place God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” That was true for Bob that night on Joe’s porch. I think it’s true for all Christians who find and use their gifts to glorify God, build up the Church, or share Christ with the world.

Another indicator of what your spiritual gifts may be is what gives you the greatest sense of fulfillment in the ministries of the Church.

Bible Passage to Ponder: “Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.” (First Peter 4:10)

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