Saturday, June 10, 2006

Rick Warren's Reflections on Life and Faith in Face of His Wife's Cancer

A friend sent this to me a few weeks ago. Andy Jackson at has the whole thing. It's well-worth taking the time to read. I love what Warren says at the end:
God didn’t put me on earth just to fulfill a to-do list. He’s more interested in what I am than what I do. That’s why we’re called human beings, not human doings.

Happy moments, PRAISE GOD. Difficult moments, SEEK GOD. Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.

Painful moments, TRUST GOD. Every moment, THANK GOD.


  1. I can relate to Rick Warren's situation. My husband is currently fighting leukemia.

    We don't waste time with the "why" question, but rather face each day with prayer. The Body of Christ has rallied around us, which has brought great strength and encouragement.

    He is doing well. If the Lord puts it on your heart, please pray we get a good report on his next bone marrow biopsy.

    Thank you.

  2. Anna:
    I'm so glad that your congregation has rallied around you. That means a lot.

    I do pray for your husband...and for you.

    Blessings in Christ,
    Mark Daniels

  3. Hi Mark, this is more of what I need to hear today. Thanks...have a wonderful weekend. -Jake

  4. Jake:
    I'm glad that you find it helpful. I know that I do.

    You have a good weekend, too.

    God bless!


  5. I like Rick Warren.
    I'm going to use his God quotes!
    Thank, Mark!

  6. Phyllis:
    Good to hear from you.

    These are great quotes, aren't they?


  7. I too can relate to Rick Warrens story. I lost my husband of 27 years to cancer 1 year ago. He had batteled cancer for 12 years. He was such a strong man, totally committed to bringing glory to God through it all. During the last year of his life we had 6 girls living at home (we have 12 children - 3 are biological and 9 are adopted, many are adults now.

    However, there wasn't a day go by that he did not use something to try and encourage them, uplift them and point them to the glory and wander of God.

    I have the honor of continuing to raise them with his strength and testimony still encouraging me but I also have the strength of almighty God and the coninual fellowiship of the Holy Spirit.

    You can make it through these types of tough times by relying on GOd, good strong christian friends, and each other.

    May God bless those who are traveling a similar journey.

