Monday, January 12, 2009

If you read 'Better Living' once a week or more...

...I'd appreciate you letting all the people on your email lists know about the site.

I write 'Better Living' with the goal of sharing Christ in accessible ways with all sorts of people, Christian and non-Christian, leaving every kind of reader to decide for themselves what they make of Jesus and His claims to be both God and man.

On top of that, not taking positions on political issues on which I don't see God speaking clearly in the Bible, I try to cast a fair eye on the politics and trends of the day, drawing strongly on my lifelong study of history and my past life as a political activist.

Occasionally, you'll find other things that might interest you or your friend here, if not in the currently posted items, then maybe in the 3900+ pieces posted here since I started 'Better Living' back in 2003.

Please do send a link to Better Living to all your email friends...and keep coming back.

Thanks and God bless!



  1. Will do. You're a good, consistent writer. This is one of only about five or so blogs that I check twice a week. I hope you'll keep plugging away.

    Just out of curiosity, why are you making this appeal?

  2. I will do just that, yours is a most edifying blog.

  3. I don't have an email list, but I did share this in Google Reader, which automatically passed it on to FriendFeed.

  4. ST, DP, & OE:
    Thanks so much.

    It's interesting that three commenters here are all male. Generally speaking, it seems, the blog seems to have attracted more female than male readers. I wonder if that has changed and why.

    Spencer, you asked why I was doing this. I'm not sure. I have been asking God to help me to do one thing each day that I haven't done before and I've never asked people to tell the folks on their email lists about the blog before. But the decision to put up this post was entirely involuntary and unpremeditated.

    I'm honored--TRULY--when thoughtful people tell me they find something of value here. It's not mere convention that causes me to observe that if there is anything worthwhile here, it doesn't come from me.

    Thanks again to all of you.

