Saturday, March 21, 2009

Remember Crocs?

Back in August, 2006, I wrote about Crocs shoes:
The jury is still out as to whether Crocs turn out to be like the PT Cruiser*, a product which looked dorky, became wildly popular, and has remained a consumer fixture, or more on the order of the Pog phenomenon, which took off like a meteor and is now largely forgotten. One indicator of the shoes' long-term prospects may be this, though: When I had my first Crocs-sighting about a year ago, I never dreamed I'd be blogging about the things!
Well, I'm writing about Crocs again. It looks like they're on the Pog pathway.

*Of course, the PT Cruiser is also taking the Pog path. The only thing that's absolutely certain in this world is uncertainty.


  1. Ugly, ugly shoes. But people who wear them swear by them. Hush Puppies adapted to changing times by keeping the name and expanding their line to include just about every type of shoe you can imagine. Maybe Crocs will do the same?

  2. They are ugly, but I think that's sort of what makes them so attractive.
