Thursday, February 02, 2012

"Four Challenges"

These four challenges were shared on Cyber Daily Devotion.

Then, my colleague Pastor Glen VanderKloot shared them.

Thought provoking stuff from God really has no expiration date. So, here it is:

“Four Challenges” Cyber-Daily-Devotion
Today's Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: Job 9:4
“For God is so wise and so mighty. Who has ever challenged him successfully?” NLT

The story is told of a man with just enough religion that out of curiosity he challenged God. “God if you exist then speak to me as follows:”
  • 1. “Like you did Abraham sending him to a far off place.”
  • 2. “Like you did David that caused him to slay a mighty giant.”
  • 3. “Like you did Elijah when you fed him by Ravens.”
  • 4. “Like you did Paul when you set him free from chains that bound him.”
God did not hesitate to answer:
  • 1. God sent a Missionary to invite the man to Africa to help minister to people with HIV/AIDS. Fear gripped the man and he refused to go.
    2. God sent an Evangelist to minister to the giant in the man and set him free from pornography. Insecurity shook the man and he would not listen.
    3. God sent a Preacher to speak to the man and feed him the bread of life --- all about HIS gospel. The man considered the Preacher an unenlightened cripple and walked away.
    4. God sent the man his son to apologize for many years of wrongs and set him free from bitterness and un-forgiveness. The man refused to listen since he had long ago abandoned his son.
Two weeks later the man decided to end his challenge with God because his requests had not been answered.

He said, “God you had your opportunity and blew it --- I’m moving on.”
God said, “Who shall we send next?”

The man was blinded by his self centered ego and could not see:
  • 1. His invitation like Abraham to travel to because of fear.
  • 2. The demise of his pornography giant because he was too insecure.
  • 3. His spiritual food because he was expecting hamburgers and hot dogs.
  • 4. His release from un-forgiveness as he was looking for a hand cuff key.
If you find yourself in a situation like this may I encourage you to remember two things:
  • 1. God will never stop trying
  • 2. Your answer is never the way you think it should be
Prayer: Father thank you for answering prayer in your way and not in my selfish perspective, “My way or the highway attitude.” In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!

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