Friday, September 07, 2012

Moving from Belief to Action

Bob Logan tells about a church where each member is encouraged to spend one hour in service outside of the church for every hour spent in the church, presumably in worship, study, small groups, fellowship, and meetings. The idea seems to be: Breathe in God, breathe out God.

What a simple and exciting way for Christians to hold ourselves accountable to Christ for being more than hearers of the Word, but doers of the Word!

Putting my faith into practical action is definitely something I need to do more of, because, as the apostle James reminds us in the second Bible lesson many of us will be considering this coming Sunday, "faith without works is dead."

Our works cannot save us from sin and death. Only the crucified and risen Jesus Christ can do that. But works of service in Christ's Name are a sure sign of actual faith and not just intellectual (or cultural) assent on our parts.


  1. As believers we are called to change the world. Yes to make disciples but to do the work of Jesus such as caring for the poor, sick, widowed and others. We are not in this world alone and we are to love others as He loves us. Its pretty simple if you ask me.
