Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Praying for Someone to Help

At the end of today's noon 'Mere Christianity' discussion group at Living Water Lutheran Church, we prayed that God would bring someone into each of our lives in the next 24 hours with whom we could share the love of Christ.

Late this afternoon, I went to my barber in Centerville. A man sat silent and aloof on the other end of the room. My barber asked how he was doing. He spoke a few words. Then my barber said, "Hey, you can tell your troubles to Mark. He's a pastor."

Within two minutes, this man was speaking animatedly about some of the trials of his life. He moved to a table closer to the chair where I was getting my hair cut. After the barber finished with me, he kept talking once he'd sat in the chair and I sat down at the table in the middle of the room to listen.

By his introduction, the barber may have made it easier for me. This guy knew that I was in Jesus' army and he decided he could trust me, even though at that point, neither of us knew each others' names.

In the cases of some people though, a wall would have been erected as soon as they'd heard I was a pastor.

But the bottom line is that God found a way, in my life anyway, to answer that prayer we offered together today in the church library.

Someone has said that the greatest ability God looks for in His people is availability. I've found that when we make ourselves available to God, He finds a way to use us...often after we've forgotten what we prayed about.

Oh, and offer a prayer for Bill tonight. God knows who he is and all about his needs.

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