Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Moussaoui Punishment Seems Appropriate

The Islamofascists will say that life imprisonment for Zacarias Moussaoui demonstrates American weakness. As usual, they would be wrong.

Annie Gottlieb puts it well:
...this seems to me the right decision.

Not because Moussaoui's alleged traumatic childhood and possible mental illness provided mitigating factors, as the defense claimed.

But because he wanted to be a martyr. Death would have given him too much notoriety.

And because he was no mastermind, and the extent to which he was a "conspirator" is not clear -- probably inflated by him. He would have been more a scapegoat for 9/11 than a punished perpetrator.

Let him be forgotten in prison.
It's good the jury denied Moussaoui martyrdom, a fit punishment for this ungodly thug.

UPDATE: Peggy Noonan assumes that the jury acted out of fear. We have no indication that that was their motive.

1 comment:

Jack H said...

Oh, I so disagree. Cordially.

What do you think?
