Sock it to me? A personality test that supposedly tells you which modern US President you're most like says that I'm akin one of my least favorite chief executives. (Thanks to
John Schroeder, I think.)
You Are Most Like Richard Nixon |
 Oh sure, you give people plenty of reasons to call you "Tricky Dick." But you're actually quite diplomatic, even though you secretly hate your enemies. |
Oooooo, I am excited! I predict that I will be either Nixon or LBJ. I am paranoid and evil, so it's gotta be one of those two!
I really DON'T see how you're Nixon though. Are you secretly tapong this conversation???
YES!!! Tricky Dick it is! Excellent! Hmm, what should I do first, call the plumbers or secretly bomb Cambodia?
Taping. Taping. I hate when I can't type....
I'm glad that I'm not alone in being pegged as a Nixon clone.
Don't worry about the, the typo.
Wow, I must be more liberal than you...I'm most like George W. Bush.
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