Saturday, October 07, 2006

"How to Not Raise a Spoiled Rotten Brat"

You're a high-powered woman in business, politics, or social services. You're also a mom. You pull down eight figures, but you want your kids to use money responsibly.

According to a FORTUNE magazine article, there are certain principles that women like you discussed over breakfast during a recent conference that you just might find helpful in your goal of keeping your kids from being spoiled brats. Go here to learn what they said. (Men and those of lower incomes will find it helpful too.)

By the way, I've always felt that parents who never or seldom say, "No" to their children only set the kids up for failure and disappointment in their adult years. Life doesn't--and shouldn't--always go our ways. Teaching children that is an important lesson for every parent to impart!


L.L. Barkat said...

I think another component is saying "No" to ourselves in front of our children... we are the first models.

Mark Daniels said...

Great point...which is similar to something I mentioned when I cited this 'Fortune' article in my message this past weekend:

Thanks for reading...and for your comments!

Blessings in Christ,