Sunday, October 08, 2006

On the Bravery of the Martyred Amish Girls

"This friends is real Christianity. Christians do not retaliate. They do not seek revenge, for the Bible says that vengeance should be left in the hands of the Lord. In fact they do quite the opposite. They offer forgiveness even to their tormentors. They seek peace at the least and reconciliation at the most with those who revile them, harm them, kill them. And there is another side to this as well. Richard Gelles is an expert on violence and children. He says that psychologically the practice of forgiveness will help the Amish themselves heal far faster than others would. Forgiveness also heals the forgiver. "

(That's from an outstanding post on New Testament scholar Ben Witherington's blog. Read the whole thing.) (TY to Andy Jackson for linking me there.)


Rhea said...

How terrible for these girls. Why can't these guys kill themselves BEFORE wreaking havoc on others? I guess I am not forgiving enough.
Boomer Chronicles

Mark Daniels said...

It's a horrible tragedy!
