Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Thank You...

to those bloggers who have recently mentioned pieces that have appeared here or at The Moderate Voice (where I also blog) in recent weeks.

James Oliphant of the Chicago Tribune talked about my post on the distinction between being a pastor and a spiritual mentor on the Tribune's Washington, D.C. blog, The Swamp, here.

Voracious reader Mark Olson mentioned this post dealing with proposals for a summer holiday from the federal gas tax on his blog, here. Mark catalogs all sorts of interesting reading on his site.

Pastor Jeff linked to my post on Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama's root canal on his fantastic site, Conblogeration, here.

Rick Moore mentioned my Earth Day piece on his blog, here.

Marcia Ford of We the Purple talked about this piece I wrote about presidential debates here. Marcia is a terrific and prolific author.

Thanks also to a group of bloggers who call themselves Watcher of Weasels (funny, Weasel was my wife's name for me when we were in high school) who liked one of my posts on Jeremiah Wright. The bloggers who linked to that piece are: Done with Mirrors, Cheat-Seeking Missiles, Hillbilly White Trash (I'm not calling anybody names...that's the name the blogger gave to the site!), mrontemp, bookwormroom, Rhymes with Right, The Colossus of Rhodey, Wolfhowling, and Webloggin.

Thanks to all!

[UPDATE: Thanks also to Kleinheider of the PostPolitics blog of the Nashville Post for linking to my piece on pastor vs. spiritual mentor, but frankly, I found the title a bit strange.]

[ANOTHER UPDATE: Further thanks to Deborah White of's US Liberals blog site for mentioning and quoting from my spiritual mentor/pastor piece.]

[YET ANOTHER UPDATE: Thanks also to Matthew Brown of Good Brownie for his mention of the same post. And thanks to Greg Wythe of for linking to it as well.]

[AND ANOTHER UPDATE: Thanks to Doug Mataconis of Below the Beltway, who cited another of my posts on the Wright controversy.]

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