Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Any Questions?

This from the Harvard Business Review's Daily Stat. Draw your own conclusions.

JANUARY 2, 2013
Fatal Heart Attacks Decline When Workplaces Go Smoke-Free

U.S. states that impose workplace smoking bans covering the entire population can expect to see about 70 fewer fatal heart attacks annually, on average, among workers ages 25 to 54, in comparison with states having no workplace smoking bans, says a team led by Scott Adams of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Put another way, heart attack fatalities for that age group fall by 17% when states go from having no bans to total workplace smoking prohibitions, the researchers say. Some 36 states have workplace smoking bans of some kind, but many of the laws exclude restaurants and bars.

Source: The short-term impact of smoke-free workplace laws on fatal heart attacks

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