Saturday, December 24, 2016

A Christmas Eve Prayer

Here's a petition from the Prayers of the Church we'll be offering during tonight's Christmas Eve services at Living Water:
Lord, this night as we celebrate Your entrance into this world, we remember that while on earth, You were impoverished and that in the first few years of your life, you were a refugee from a land ruled by despotism, homeless. Fill us with compassion for those who face similar circumstances today, whether they are the homeless served by the Interfaith Hospitality Network and Saint Vincent’s Gateway Center here in our communities or the refugees running from Russian and Syrian government attacks in Syria. Grant that there will always be room in our hearts and lives for those who have need, for, as You have told us, when we serve those the world deems to be the least, we truly serve You. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.
The Interfaith Hospitality Network and the Saint Vincent's Gateway Shelters are two ministries to the homeless in which our congregation is involved. Please remember the poor, the homeless, and the refugees this Christmas...and every day.

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