Tuesday, August 29, 2017

An Anniversary Forgotten

The media are full of Princess Diana stories in anticipation of the twentieth anniversary of her death, which occurs on August 31. I understand that the Royals make for big ratings, lots of internet hits, and ad revenue.

But I'd like to point out that five days after Diana died in 1997, so did a woman who had a sustained and positive impact on the life of the world, who was more than a symbol, but someone who fought to save lives, whether those of the dying beggars of Calcutta or children not yet born, and whose struggle to remain faithful to God makes her a true hero: Mother Teresa.

I know that she wasn't wealthy or young, didn't wear expensive designer clothes, and hadn't been through a spectacular divorce from the future figurehead king of a country. But it seems to me that Mother Teresa's death and life are worthy of at least as much attention and remembrance as are being given to Diana.

[Blogger Mark Daniels is pastor of Living Water Lutheran Church in Centerville, Ohio.]

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