Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Even through the storms, God speaks to us

A man walked into the church building during staff meeting this morning. I asked, "May I help you?" "Are you taking donations for disaster relief?" he wondered. I said that, in fact, we were forwarding offerings to our denomination's disaster relief efforts. He asked how to make out the check and did so on the spot.

Later on, a Living Water member currently shut in by recent surgery called and asked if I would drop by in the afternoon. She and her husband wanted to give me a check for disaster relief.

This warmed my heart.

One of the deepest and least acknowledged needs of human beings is the need we all have to give. We were made for community and to care for others. That's how God made us, though that, of course, is often obscured by our sin. But when situations like the recent damaging hurricanes arise, all of us--believers and unbelievers alike--find God whispering His call for us to fulfill our humanity and give for the good of others. God is still speaking to us, if we will only listen.

[Blogger Mark Daniels is pastor of Living Water Lutheran Church in Centerville, Ohio.]

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