...but good to see that others have noticed. Talk to most education professionals these days and they'll tell you stories of the increasing percentage of troubled children who come from dysfunctional families. They'll also tell you that they see this dysfunctionality being enabled and encouraged by mass media. The portrayal of a few more functional people and families by mass media would be a refreshing change.
[Thanks to Glenn Reynolds for linking to this post.]
"Why should we care that functional marrieds are MIA?"
Precisely because so many people come from dysfunctional homes and maybe don't even know any healthy adults.
There's nothing wrong with presenting dysfunction. But to show nothing but dysfunction swuggests that wrong is right (or at least expected). It suggests "That's the way life is" and encourages people to settle for failure, because apparently everyone is rude, selfish, stupid and immature.
All the more reason why church is important in trying to build healthy people, families and communities. Pop culture creatinly doesn't model or encourage the kind of families anyone would want to actually live in.
I agree with you 100%!
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