Thursday, April 16, 2009

Susan Boyle's Got Talent...and so do you

At what age is it too late to quit pursuing a dream? Apparently, it's not 47.

That's how old Susan Boyle is. The plain-looking Scotswoman appeared on Britain's Got Talent, the Simon Cowell-production that served as the prototype for American Idol here in the States, this past Saturday. Although I don't much care for the song from Les Miserables that Boyle sang, her talent is undeniable.

But what has made Susan Boyle's performance a worldwide Youtube sensation is that it's always exciting to see someone easily underestimated stun us. It assures us that there are lots of other diamonds in the rough out there...and that even we may be among them.

Of course, if, four days ago, it had turned out that Susan Boyle was a poor singer, she would be just a West Lothian, Scotland wannabe. There are lots of people who dream dreams about fields for which they have no facility.

The remarkable thing is that Susan Boyle continued to develop her talents, singing in church and at home to her cats, in obscurity, all these years. She hasn't given up.

Most of us live in our own versions of West Lothian. Even if we're "successful" by whatever terms that word may be defined, there won't be standing ovations from wowed audiences for us.

And that's OK.

As a Christian, I believe that everyone is endowed with at least one talent to be developed by our dedication and work. Honing them can be more than simply personally fulfilling; it can be an act of worship, an offering of thanks and glory to the One Who makes us, makes us who we are, and gives us our talents. That One is the only audience we need. Without forcing us to earn it, God gave us a "Yes" long ago. It came in the person of Jesus Christ, Who, while we were still in rebellion against God, long before we knew we needed His help, died and rose to give all who believe in Him new and everlasting life with God.

Whatever your talent is, cherish it. Use it. And as you do, mentally inscribe each moment the way Bach physically inscribed every piece of music that he composed, "To God alone be the glory!"

You can watch Susan Boyle's performance on Britain's Got Talent here.

[Thanks to BBC World Service for linking to this post on its World, Have Your Say web site.]


Dacks said...

Susan has a great voice really! I admire her!

Unknown said...

Siapa si itu... Who is that?

Unknown said...

Thanks for the inspiration...

jafabrit said...

I didn't underestimate her for a minute (I grew up with women like her in the northeast of england)but I am delighted she busted a stereotype. Her voice reflected what many are too blind to see, her inner beauty.

Ibnu Mubarok said...

Hi I just wanna visit your great blog..
would you visiting mine?
and leave the comment..
nice to know u...

Mark Daniels said...

Thanks to all for stopping by.

Jafa: I haven't heard from you in a long time. I hope that all is well in Yellow Springs. God bless.


Rick Moore said...

Great insight as usual, Mark. I'm going to link to it later today.

By the way, that comment from Jennifer is spam - I've been getting several of those a week (and frankly, I'm not that good).

jafabrit said...

I am doing great and life is good in Yellow Springs. I hope all is well with you and your family.

Mark Daniels said...


Yeah, that's the second time a comment from "Jennifer" has appeared on this post.