Thursday, March 24, 2016

An Invitation...

Today is Maundy Thursday and tomorrow brings Good Friday.

Each day is uniquely important.

On the first Maundy Thursday, while celebrating the Passover with His disciples, Jesus gave Christians a new commandment: that they love each other with the same passionate self-sacrifice with which He would enact His love for them on the cross.

He also instituted Holy Communion, the means by which He gives His body and blood to believers, imparting forgiveness, new life, and the companionship of the Church, Christ's people, as He does so.

On Good Friday, Jesus triumphantly sacrificed Himself on the cross. Though Jesus, God in flesh, was sinless, He bore the punishment we properly deserve for our sin. (As the New Testament reminds us, "The wages of sin is death...")

Jesus did this in order to set free those who turn from sin (repent) and believe in Him (which means really, to trustingly surrender our lives and wills to Christ), from our inborn slavery to sin and self-destruction, from death, from an eternity without God. Jesus gives us everlasting life, His constant presence, and purpose as we follow Him.

Both Maundy Thursday and Good Friday worthy of marking. Please plan on participating in worship on both Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, at a church near you.

When you do so, the meaning of Easter will be enriched for you beyond measure.

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