The 1960 national collegiate basketball champions from Ohio State. I hope that this weekend and on Monday night, Oden, Conley, Lewis, and others will prove to be successors Lucas, Havlicek, Siegfried, and all in every way, bringing the 2007 championship to Columbus.
Go, Buckeyes!
The team that developed the greatest coach in the history of the game.... And no, it isn;t Fred Taylor
Yes, Knight was a benchwarmer on that team. Don DeVoe also became a somewhat successful coach. Havlicek became a legend with the Celtics and Lucas, in spite of injuries, had a good career with the Royals (now the Kings).
Mark Daniels
Sincere wishes for good luck, Mark... although, like John, I will be loudly rooting for "the team that developed the greatest coach in the history of the game."
While I would agree with you that the Wizard of Westwood was the best coach in the history of the game, that's not what John meant.
In his estimation, the greatest coach is Bob Knight, who rode the bench at OSU. That's the team he claims "developed the greatest coach in the history of the game."
Congrats on the OSU victory! The Buckeyes played suberbly today. I'll be cheering for them on Monday night.
Wasn't sure who John was referring to... but I know who I believe to be the best ever college basketball coach: the great John Wooden, now 96 years old.
His own character, and his expectations of his players, should set the standard for college athletics.
But mine is hardly and objective view...
Best of luck on winning the championship!
In our household, we've now moved on to baseball. Angels home opener on Monday!
--- Deborah White
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