Sunday, February 12, 2006

Avian Flu Update #2

I've resolved to present information on the Avian Flu virus and its potential mutation into a human-to-human contagion. The virus has been contracted by human beings who have had direct contact with poultry, of course, and has proven extremely deadly. With two slight mutations, health care officials tell us, humans will be able to contract the disease in the same ways other viruses are passed along. The potential for a horrible pandemic is immense. We must be prepared.


  • Write federal and state officials, urging them to stockpile more sufficient supplies of Tamiflu, a drug that may help persons who contract Avian Flu to survive
  • Urge local officials, the company you work for, and the church you attend to develop plans in case an Avian Flu outbreak occurs
  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Learn the "elementary school teacher" way of covering your mouth when you cough, coughing on your arm, on the inside crease of your elbow
  • Educate yourself about Avian Flu and its risks (this blog is one place you can go for information)
  • Pray that this disease can be contained and that a major killing pandemic be averted. Ask God to empower and inspire the efforts of government leaders and public health officials to avoid a disaster.
Here are some links to articles about Avian Flu that have come out in the last 24-hours:
A Basic Avian Flu Q-and-A from the Orlando Sentinel
A Good Summary of Yesterday's Statement by the UN Bird Flu Chief
British Plans for Dealing with Avian Flu (including a poultry registry for flocks exceeding 50 birds)
Here are links to past informative articles, as well as posts I've written on various aspects of the Avian Flu threat:
BBC Q-and-A on Avian Flu (the best introduction I've found)
Eyewitness: Surviving Bird Flu (story of a rare human survivor of the disease, whose brother succumbed to it)
Officials Warn of Catastrophic Flu Pandemic
Drugs Plug Gap Ahead of Flu Vaccine
Who Besides Governments Should Have Avian Flu Pandemic Plans?
What Are Implications of Avian Flu for 2008 Presidential Race?

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