Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Two Bloggers Rail Against Bloggers' Self-Aggrandizement

Joshua Claybourn, of In the Agora, gives kudos to another blogger, Rab at Ramblings, for his criticisms of the pathetic narcissism that has infected many in the blogging medium. I offer kudos to both of them!

Frankly, many bloggers remind me of the fictional Trekkies who, in that famous skit from Saturday Night Live years ago, were excoriated for their pathetic and narrow-gauged obsessions by William Shatner. "Have any of you people ever kissed a girl?" he asked, as he urged them to experience more of life than the slender slice of science fiction afforded by his old TV show.

Many bloggers could use similar advice. Get a grip, folks! Blogs are a great means of communication. Some of them are excellently-written. Some are informative and helpful.

But, let's be honest. Even the best blogs aren't pure as driven snow and are a long way shy of pristine perfection! Sometimes, blogs simply present misinformation, disinformation, and ideological prejudice more quickly than other media.

I left the following comment at In the Agora, directed at both Joshua's post and the original "public service" post that precipitated it:
Thank you! The self-conscious self-aggrandizement of some bloggers and the
incessant trumpeting of the virtue of the "blogosphere," a term I loathe, have
become insufferable.

The last I checked, bloggers were people, as prone to error as the rest of
the human race.

What's more, many of the political bloggers are so ideologically-driven
that they hunker down in unhelpful "don't confuse me with the facts" mode.
They're more biased (and frequently less informed) than the conventional media
outlets, conservative and liberal, against whom they self-righteously

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