Thursday, January 27, 2005

What You and I Can Do Toward Tsunami Relief...Specific Suggestions

Ever since the tsunami of December 26, I've been urging folks to donate to relief organizations that are working in the south Asian region affected by this massive disaster. There are a number of honest, effective groups providing help throughout the region, helping people to rebuild their lives. I've particularly commended four agencies. I have no affiliation with any of them, although I will confess to being a Lutheran, making me part of the evangelical Christian movement that's behind one of the agencies, Lutheran World Relief. But I've never met anybody from LWR. So, it's not as though I have a vested interest in any of these agencies.

Each day now, I'm providing a link to some newsworthy item from each of the agencies I recommend. Today's focus is World Vision and a very cool page on their web site that offers hints on what all of us can do to be of help in this massive crisis.

Please do seriously consider making contributions to one of the following agencies for tsunami relief:

Lutheran World Relief
American Red Cross
Catholic Relief Services
World Vision

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