Thursday, January 20, 2005

Lunch with Lileks...Again

James Lileks can be vulgar, insightful, irreverent, and funny. I find my attention turned to him from time to time, in the same way I find myself beckoned by train wrecks or re-runs of Full House. He's a memorable phrase-maker, a good writer. He reminds me of many of the people my wife once worked with in the Arts community: talented, prolific in their output, nasty, caring, and at times, frustratingly petty.

He's got a new book out. His daily "bleats," blog entries, are something I check into from time to time. He also is composing a blog-based novel built around his collection of matchbook covers. (Each chapter is dashed off in about twenty minutes every day.) Lileks also writes a column.

I usually check Lileks out at lunch time, like I have today. You might find some of his writing interesting...or addictive.

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