Monday, January 24, 2005

'Wave of Giving' Addresses Long-Term South Asia Needs

Beginning today, I'm linking to some news stories from each of the four relief agencies I've been highlighting since the tsunami disaster of December 26. These four reputable agencies are deserving of our support. The one with which I'm most familiar and which has consistently earned high marks for their efficiency of operation is Lutheran World Relief. Here's a link to a December 29 item from LWR's web site on their Wave of Giving program. It's designed to address the long-term needs of people affected by the tsunami. (Members of Thrivent Financial Services for Lutherans can magnify the impact of their contributions through Thrivent's matching program for Wave of Giving. That's also explained in the link above.)

Below are links to the four different agencies I've been highlighting. I hope that you'll seriously consider a financial contribution for tsunami-related relief work. The need is great and will be for a long time!

Lutheran World Relief
American Red Cross
Catholic Relief Services
World Vision

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