Thursday, June 29, 2006

"God is thankfully, beautifully, gracefully mindful of us"

So says Gordon Atkinson in a wonderful meditation on how our creative Father lives within us, the beings the Bible says were created in the image of God, and how He invites us to be lovingly creative, too. Writes Atkinson:
What is our place in the ongoing work of creation and redemption? The author of Psalm 8 wonders this as well:

When I look at the heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars that you have established;
what are human beings that you are mindful of them,
mortals that you care for them? (Ps. 8:3-4, NRSV)

The psalmist wonders what human beings are that God would be mindful of us. I don’t know what we are. I don’t know what we bring to the table of creation. It seems that we gum up the works as often as we contribute something meaningful. But God is thankfully, beautifully, gracefully mindful of us. We are in God’s mind. We are born of his creativity and that creativity, lives in all the cells of our bodies. Our lives matter. We make a difference in the world.

How we live is important, so in humility, live well. What we choose helps to change the world, so listen prayerfully and choose well. God makes use of our lives and our creative choices. God is mindful of us. Remember this, and it shall be well with your soul. It shall be well within you.
Read the whole thing.

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