Thursday, August 21, 2008

Stephanie Tubbs Jones Once Tried to Indict Him...

...but former Cleveland Mayor Mike White says that he and the Congresswoman tragically felled by a brain aneurysm earlier this week remained friends. WKYC talked with White on his alpaca farm.

I had an acquaintance with White back when we were students at Ohio State, something I talk about here.

Even as a twenty-one year old, White was not just ambitious, but also capable, smart, and confident in interacting with people of all ages. He had political success written all over him. I envied him, to tell you the truth.

When the ardent Democrat White was selected by the Republican mayor of Columbus--Tom Moody--to run an urban homesteading program, I wasn't surprised. He was too capable for a little thing like party labels to impede the mayor from bringing him into the city administration.

Nor was I surprised that, after returning to his native Cleveland, White was elected to the State Senate and subsequently, to the office of Mayor.

I was surprised that he was nearly indicted and that his once seemingly inevitable political progress ended. Life can take unexpected turns and none of us can predict what will happen tomorrow.

But the WKYC interview with White held more surprises about this guy I knew thirty-six years ago. The first was Mike White, alpaca farmer. I never could have seen that coming.

The other is the apparent forgiveness and grace which he and Tubbs Jones bore for one another, likely a tribute to the characters of each.

Character is the thing that endures after a career has ended, meaning that it's vastly more important than a career.

And it's one of the things that has the most impact on the living even after we leave this life.

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