On Friday of this past week, I was one of 1200 people to gather in the sanctuary of Holy Spirit Roman Catholic Church in Fishers, Indiana for a convocation of what is now known as The Lutheran Coalition for Renewal (or LutheranCORE). The organization, formerly known as The Lutheran Coalition for Reform, has been an umbrella organization for eleven groups within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), working to call that body back to the historic Lutheran position of the Bible as the "source and norm" of the Church's "life, faith, and practice."
A belief in the Bible--the Old and New Testaments--as the gauge (or canon) of normative truth for Christians, has been central to Lutherans from the beginning of the Reformation triggered by Martin Luther in 1517.
Many in the church hierarchy and interest groups have called that belief into question during the life of the ELCA, established twenty years ago when three Lutheran bodies formed the new church. ELCA theologians like Marcus Borg are widely read and revered among some ELCA clergy for their rejection of the deity of Christ, the resurrection, and the virgin birth.
But none of these heretical departures from the teaching of Scripture were ever made official until the ELCA Churchwide Assembly voted in August to allow congregations to ordain gay persons in committed relationships and to perform ceremonies blessing the unions of gay persons.
This is clearly contrary to the teaching of Scripture and meant that the ELCA has entered a state of heresy. I continue to serve as a pastor in the ELCA in what is called "confessional resistance" and I serve a congregation of the ELCA, which I will be asking in the next several months to decide where it stands.
Below I'm linking to a page with PDF files of presentations that were made at the LutheranCORE convocation, along with press releases about it. Let me just say a few things about the convocation, from the perspective of one in attendance.
(1) The atmosphere was both sad and joyful. On the one hand, there was profound sadness that a Church in whose early life so many of us had poured devotion, prayer, and hard work, had chosen to so depart from the will of God. (I put myself on the line as a young pastor in a staunchly Lutheran community that was deeply wary of being part of the ELCA when I worked hard for its acceptance, for example.)
But there was great joy, too. That positive, believing tone, in spite of the unknown future we face, was evidenced in the opening words of former Southern Ohio Synod bishop, Ken Sauer, a disappointed architect of the ELCA: "Here is the most important thing I want to share with you: Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!"
The focus was not only on where we were and how, by the political machinations of those who see the Church primarily as an organ of social action, we had gotten there. A major focus was on where, by the power of the risen Christ, we can go from here.
(2) There was great hopefulness. In that room, there was an almost electric sense of certainty that the Lord Jesus would help us, in some form or another, erect a strong confessional Lutheran identity that will be neither liberal or conservative, but deeply and confessionally Lutheran.
(3) There was a commitment to moving slowly quickly. People wanted to be prayerful and deliberate about what they did. But there was also the sense that the ELCA, barring a miracle, was unwilling to repent or recant. That was why on Saturday, the convocation voted to spend a year trying to define the future of our branch of confessional Lutheranism.
(4) I was pleased to see not only eight former ELCA bishops present and committed to LutheranCORE's renewal aims, including my former bishop, but also so many of my Southern Ohio Synod colleagues. They were part of a broad cross-section of ELCA Lutherans; they came from 41 states and 3 Canadian provinces. (In addition, there was a Lutheran pastor from Brazil, here to see how Lutherans were dealing with this heresy, as it's apparently beginning to show itself in his country.)
It hasn't always been clear who was for or against the proposals passed at the Churchwide Assembly because those of us opposed to them have felt bullied into silence for twenty years, something for which I now publicly and achingly repent.
The mood of the convocation seemed well-summarized by one pastor who told me, "I feel like I've come home." That's how I felt, too: at home in a fellowship that confesses the Bible as the Word of God, that believes in sharing Christ with others and making disciples, that believes that everyone needs Christ. No exceptions. And no exemptions for preferred sins, either.*
Go here to read convocation documents in PDF format.
A Vision for LutheranCORE: Bishop Paull Spring
Reflections from Communion of African Congregations of North America
Greeting to LutheranCORE Convocation of Pastor Eddy Perez, representing Hispanic congregations of the Florida-Bahamas Synod
Also: Article by Dr. James Nestingen, theologian of the ELCA, regarding Churchwide Assembly decisions
[UPDATE: The best and most accessible book for laypersons as well as clergy in looking at what the Scriptures have to say about the question of what the Bible has to say about homosexual practice is Pastor David N. Glesne's Understanding Homosexuality: Perspectives for the Local Church. I highly recommend it!]
[ANOTHER UPDATE: "If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the Word of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be confessing Him." (Martin Luther)]
*In case anybody is interested, I advocate full civil rights for gays and lesbians. The question of ordination of gays or lesbians in committed relationships or the blessing of such relationships in general are entirely separate from the question of civil rights. I talk more about that here.
Later, I'll be presenting a more detailed discussion of what the Bible has to say about homosexuality. God loves all people. Christ died for all people. But God calls us to repent and believe in Christ. Repentance means to turn back to God, away from our sins and the sinfulness of our world, confessing to God the ways in which we have diverged from God's will, and seeking God's help to walk within that will.
The fallacy is that there is clear scriptural teaching about homosexuality. It may be clear to some, but it is not clear to others who hold scripture authoritative. That may be hard to get your head around, but that is at the crux of the matter.
Additionally, those considering oficially departing the ELCA should re-read Acts for the circumcision party vs. The God fearers conflict. Remember that in this conflict Paul always encouraged the collection in Gentile congregations for the saints in Jerusalem. The recommendations by CORE are unbiblical. Even congregations disiplined for calling those not on ELCA roster over the past decade continued Mission Support.
Poor stewardship teaching about redirection of Mission Support is very short-sighted, Biblically unjustifiable, and not at all what we would teach individuals.
I am well aware pf the assertion of ambiguity of Scripture on this issue. But that too is a fallacy. I will, as promised in this piece, go into greater detail on this subject.
The circumcision v. God-fearers conflict, as you call it, has nothing to do with this dicussion. I will address this in later posts as well.
Thanks for dropping by.
Please be more careful in what you write. So far as I can tell (from ELCA's roster look-up and Google) Marcus Borg is not a pastor of the ELCA. In fact, none of the liberal/heretical professors cited by Carl Braaten (in his book, "That All Might Believe") teach at ELCA seminaries. Our church might have its progressives in church leadership and in the seminaries, but so far as I know we don't have any of the Trinity-denying, unitarian-in-all-but-name teachers at our schools that conservatives like to pillory. If so, I'd like to see names, because it is cheap and easy to "call-out" radical liberal theologians at non-Lutheran seminaries, or to call-out a Churchwide Assembly, but a lot harder to look someone in the face and call them a heretic.
Also, have you explained how you can support the ordination of women but call heretical the actions of CWA09? Scripture seems to me to be much more clear about the role of women than it does about homosexuality.
The ordination of women is altogether Scriptural. I will also get into that issue when I post more on this subject.
I have never made such blanket assertions about the seminaries. I'm totally unaware of where sem professors are these days on these issues. I do know that when I was a student at Trinity, there were at least three universalists on the faculty. They are all retired or dead now.
I agree with you that the Fallwell-types bring great discredit to the Name of God and I've written extensively about that in the past.
Thanks, Chris.
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