Friday, January 01, 2021

Want to Read the Bible Each Day This Year?

 If you're interested in reading a bit of the Bible each day during 2021, there are lots of good reading plans out there.

The Navigators have three terrific plans, one of which will take you through just the New Testament in a year and two others that will take you through the entire Bible. Here is a link to their plans.
Another way to go about it is to use a chronological plan, one which takes you through the historical progression of Biblical events. I've just finished using a chronological plan for the second time. It's helpful for putting things in context, although sometimes I confess to "getting lost." Here you'll find a chronological Bible reading plan.
If you own a copy of The Lutheran Study Bible, the material in the front contains a two-year plan. You read shorter excerpts from several Biblical books each day, which is true of one of the Navigator plans mentioned above. If you'd like me to send you a copy of this plan, I'll be happy to do so.
Reading God's Word each day has been an important part of my life and I highly recommend it.
For help in getting the most out of reading God's Word each day, you might want to look at this message which I shared with our church a few years ago.

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