Saturday, September 25, 2004

Pray for All the Presidents...Would-Be and Incumbent

I happily endorse and join in this prayer, which is appearing on many blog sites. I hope that you will join this prayer movement as we get closer to the November 2 election.

Dear Lord,

I acknowledge that wisdom comes from You and that wisdom is a result of reverence and obedience of You. I pray that during this election season that you would give your wisdom to all the presidential candidates. Give them wisdom on how they run their campaigns and how they conduct themselves during these last days of the election season.

I pray in advance for the one that you will allow to lead our country. I pray that you would continue to bless him with your wisdom, the wisdom that is needed to lead our country, our government, and our armed forces.

I also pray that our future leader would not be impressed by his own wisdom but humbled and prepared to lead this country to turn our backs to evil and turn to You. May he continue to build this country on a foundation of your wisdom, a foundation that that is strong and firm for future generations.

Lord, please forgive us of our foolish ways, when we ignore your wisdom and don’t treasure it as we should.

I pray that you would bring yourself glory during this time of election.

I pray all this in the name of Jesus Christ,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

amen. good stuff!
