Friday, October 29, 2004

Link: Keillor's Young Lutheran's Guide to the Orchestra

Earlier this evening, my son sent this link to me. It's the transcript of Garrison Keillor's hilarious "Young Lutheran's Guide to the Orchestra." If you can find the recording of this, it's worth a listen. Keillor, one of our country's best humorists, has the Lutheran sub-culture nailed...yah-sure-yah-betcha.


David said...

I love this Young Lutheran's Guide to the Orchestra. At one point in my life, I was going to write a dissertation that would attempt to see if there was a scientific correlation between the personality type of a person (using the Myers-Briggs type Indicator) and the instrument she or he chose to play. Music majors and/or professional musicians would have been the subjects of the study.

Unknown said...

I'm a first violinist, and I'm InTJ.