Friday, June 17, 2005

I'm Not the Only One Who Thinks Orman's Schtick is Looney

Ann Althouse has engendered an interesting discussion about TV personality Suze Orman and her goofy schtick. Go there to read the discussion. Here's what I wrote:
Suze Orman was just a name to me when, a few years back, my wife and I saw her on Oprah Winfrey's show. Winfrey announced that her production team had sent Orman to consult with a Chicago-area couple who had evidently found it difficult to save money in spite of their both being professionals of substantial income. (I forget what profession the woman pursued. The man was a lawyer.)

Orman went to the couple's house and almost immediately opened their closet. She found it to be lacking in neatness and professed in this, to have found the key to understanding their failure to save money. "Money," she told the couple, "doesn't like to go where it's not welcomed. Your cluttered house doesn't welcome money." (I'm paraphrasing, here.)

The couple greeted this stupid counsel with all the credulity of four year olds.

My wife and I rolled our eyes and turned off the television.

There have been two long-term results from that brief exposure to Orman:

(1) Whenever we see her face on TV, we switch the station.

(2) We made mental notes to remind ourselves that no matter how educated people may be--including ourselves, they can still be suckered.

1 comment:

Deborah White said...

I can't stand Orman.