Monday, July 02, 2007

God is So Shrewd

This morning, I went to SiteMeter to check on the web traffic to this site. Whenever I do this, I like to check on the referring sites. Often, I'll dash off a thank you email to those who refer to posts that appear on Better Living.

When I looked at the referring web sites today, I spied one that I'd never seen before. I clicked on the link and was shocked to find myself led to a pornographic site, a single graphic image in the middle of the page beneath which was a huge, block-lettered link to my sermon from yesterday, Husbands and Wives (Joyful Relationships, Part 3).

A sense of outrage overtook me and for a nanosecond, I considered staying on the site long enough to find a webmaster's email address in order to demand that the link to my sermon be taken down. I mean, I don't want to be associated with a porn site.

But as I entertained these thoughts, I just as quickly left the site while I sensed a heavenly voice telling me, "Hold on there, Cowboy! A porn site links to a Christian message on marriage. Who do you suppose orchestrated that one?"

God is so shrewd.


Bowden McElroy said...

That happened to me once. It was late, I was tired and so shocked I just turned the computer off and went to bed.

At least that's what I meant to do; apparently I just put the computer in "hibernate" mode.

I have a good marriage and a trusting wife and it still took some explaining (and a demonstration on what "sitemeter" is and how it works) before my wife calmed down.

Deborah White said...

Love this post, Mark!

Hope your summer is going well. Mission trip photos are inspiring.

In early August, Ron and I will travel with our youth pastor and 7 high schoolers to Colorado, where we will drop them off for (and pick them back up from) 6 days of backpacking and white water rafting at an ELCA camp.