Thursday, April 11, 2013

What Does It Mean to Be a Lutheran Christian? The Augsburg Confession Series So Far

What does it mean to be a Lutheran Christian?

It's all about faith in Christ, trusting in His grace rather than in my performance as a human being or my conformity to religious or social norms.

That is the pervasive theme of the series of sermons inspired by The Augsburg Confession, a basic statement of the Lutheran understanding of Biblical, Christian faith, in which we've been involved over the past few weeks at Saint Matthew Lutheran Church.

Below are links to all of the sermons in the series so far, grammatical errors, missing words (usually infinitives or articles), and all. There are a few installments to go. But if you're new to the blog, you might want to check things out. I hope that you find them helpful. God bless!

The Three-in-One God
What is 'Original Sin'?
The Son of God
What is 'Justification'?
The Ministry of the Church
What About Good Works?
What Makes a Church a Church?
Holy Baptism
Holy Communion
Confession of Sin
Are Governments Necessary?

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